11th October 2024
KA's Art Exhibition
KA's Art Exhibition
KA's Art Exhibition
Book Group
Book Group
11th October 2024
The museum book group meet in the museum café every second Friday of the month at 2pm.
The friendly group read a wide range of books, chosen by members and enjoy an insightful discussion about each book.
It is completely free to join and attend but we do ask you support the museum café.
If you would like more information about joining, please speak to our reception team at the museum or email info@valeanddownlandmuseum.org.uk
Suitable for adults only.
KA's Art Exhibition
KA's Art Exhibition
KA's Art Exhibition
KA's Art Exhibition
KA's Art Exhibition
KA's Art Exhibition
KA's Art Exhibition
KA's Art Exhibition
KA's Art Exhibition
KA's Art Exhibition
KA's Art Exhibition
KA's Art Exhibition
KA's Art Exhibition
KA's Art Exhibition
KA's Art Exhibition
KA's Art Exhibition
KA's Art Exhibition
KA's Art Exhibition
KA's Art Exhibition
KA's Art Exhibition
KA's Art Exhibition